Ben 10 Characters: Who Is Eon?


      Ben 10 is one of the most popular show ever produced by Cartoon Network. The show had good characters, good storylines, good animations and most importantly it had a loyal fan base which followed the show through all the different seasons. From the adventures of Ben, Max and Gwen to Ben, Gwen and Kevin to Ben and Rook, every season had a unique but somewhat familiar tone to it as fans grew to love the characters through every episode of character developments.


     The show introduced some great characters, both heroes and villains, but there was one mysterious character that kept appearing in every season, with different stories, and that mysterious character's name was Eon. Eon was believed to be an evil alternate version of Ben who lost his Omnitrix, but mysteriously gained time manipulation powers. Something about this version of Ben never added up, he was always mysterious and never seemed to die no matter how many times Ben defeated or destroyed him. However his true origin and story was finally explained in detail in the following segment.


     Eon came from a race called Chronians. They were highly intelligent beings and understood the laws of physics so well, that they learned to break them. They shaped time and space as they pleased. They were the Titans, the Superior Race. They were Divine, even on par with the Gods. But they were still mortals and this enormous amount of power was never meant for mortal beings. Every time they breached in time, every time they shifted reality, the power wore their bodies down and made them weak and frail. They tried to find ways to overcome this weakness but failed every time. And from failures came anger, and from anger came war. Their powers made them reckless and they reached the point where their universe was collapsing and their race was dying. They only had one choice, and that is to find a new home so that their race could survive.


     In their study, they found out an instrument, an artifact that exists simultaneously in every dimension known as The Hands Of Armageddon. They needed this instrument to bring them to their new home, but they were weak and dying so they decided to transfer all their powers to a single chronian, someone young, fearless and determined to save his race and that chronian was known as Eon. He was chosen to be their Messiah and so his journey began.


     He began searching for The Hands but, as he was still a chronian, every leap through reality made him grow weaker and weaker. He found The Hands but could no longer power it as his powers were diminishing. It was during his journey when he discovered Ben and the Omnitrix, a device that could create a new chronian that would replace him in his journey while still fulfilling his mission but defeating Ben was not easy. Everytime he lost to Ben, he would go to the past and try again and keep trying again and again until one last try, he was finally able to defeat Ben and transform Ben into a chronian by using himself as a DNA sample. His consciousness drifted towards Ben's new form, taking control of Ben's body.


     This however was not a permanent solution, his new body started wearing out, losing his powers again. That's when he started travelling to different universes collecting as many Bens as he could so that he could transfer his consciousness whenever his current body starts growing weak. His fate became so intertwined with Ben Tennyson that he started believing that he was Ben Tennyson and that's how his endless journey led him to hunt Ben Tennysons across universes until he is defeated by a Ben and he tries again.


     This is the story of Eon, do share your opinions in the comment section.


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